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Christ was given for this purpose, that forgiveness of sins might be bestowed on us for His sake. He was also given so that the Holy Spirit might bring forth in us new and eternal life and eternal righteousness.

The Apology of the Augsburg Confession, Article V

What We Believe: Quote

Our Beliefs

Really, really briefly...

We preach Christ Jesus and Him crucified. He is the only way to be saved, through His death and resurrection.


We confess the three ecumenical creeds.

We hold to the Lutheran Confessions, which are found in the Book of Concord.

We are a member church of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.

We preach Law and Gospel.

We believe that Christ forgives our sins through Word and Sacrament–a pastor who has been given to the Church to forgive sins, Baptism which creates faith and brings you into the Kingdom, and the Lord's Supper which strengthens you to life forever.

What We Believe: Text
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